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Can LPA receivers act unlawfully and are they sometimes immoral?

When the agent takes over, then I think they’re somewhat misguided in terms of what they think they can do. When I agree to that point, misguided LPA receivers, they do lots of things which are out of the law. In some respects unlawful.  We totally agree that some appointed LPA receivers decide that their relationship with the property is one where they do not need to follow the law.

We can give you a very simple example of this point, we heard that one of the LPA receivers actually threatened to change the locks of property even while the tenants we’re living in the property which is certainly immoral. This means that there have been instances where the LPA receivers have been known to act immorally once it comes to exerting words to assuming their rollers the agent.

There are examples where they have threatened tenants that they would change the locks of their properties. Now that is acting outside the law unlawfully.

Let’s suppose you have been taken over by an LPA receiver and they want to sell these properties. So one of the things we discussed is that is important that they have the right.

So is there a risk in buying from an LPA receiver?

There is some risk in buying from an LPA receiver if their documentation is not in order. Even if property being a receivership, we’ve got the expertise to dis-instruct receivers. So we’ve been able to help the clients or the borrower landlord to get the properties back. So, yeah, there is a high risk that you’re dealing with the wrong party, which are receivers.

You should be dealing with us.

If they can’t always sell the property, then how do you go about buying the property from the receiver without having the risk that they don’t have the right to sell?

Yeah, I think it’s a higher risk. Might actually instruct solicitors, but receivers don’t always have the full control because there’s been lots of circumstances where we have been able to get the property sold directly with the buyer and so the owner of the property.