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Welcome to Blogs of Immediate Bank Claims

The topic is how to buy a multimillion pound property portfolio from LPA receivers. Understand that it’s a very hot topic at the moment because there’s a lot going on behind the scenes with the LPA receivers, which a lot of people don’t know about.

What do we do and how do people find us?

So I’m going to try and give you a slightly bigger picture overview of what we’re about. All our websites and the type of work that we have been doing for over 20 years or so has been around helping people with the complex property matters, ranging from commercial lending, litigation, to a complex sale.

We have recently decided to setup ‘The Property Fixer’ and a Facebook group called ‘The Alternative Property Business Solutions Community’ because we’ve got an inkling that the property market is not as it seems, things are going to tighten. Things aren’t really going to stay static or just increase forever and ever. So our take on the market is that things are going to get little bit more complicated and there’s a likelihood that there could be a slump or a crash the beginning part or mid part of next year. The main reason we think this will be the case because:

  • Interest rates have been low for a long, long time and with how history has panned out over the last two decades, we should see increases in interest rates in the foreseeable future.
  • The second major factor is stamp duty. There have been stamp duty incentives given by the government during the duration of lock down. So anybody that could benefit from it has benefited. And there was an artificial boost in property sales for the last year or so because of that. That’s the second reason I think there’s going to be a tightening in the market and then the ample opportunity for a lot of people that are looking to purchase out there.
  • The third reason that we think property prices are going to Titan is because now the tax benefits of purchasing a property as an individual property owner is not as it used to be due to a law being passed down which doesn’t allow you to offset your income against your interest.

So there’s definitely going to be a tightening. There is potentially going to be more unemployment come end of September an early part next year because a lot of businesses may try to keep their staff but may not be able to maintain the level of cash flow to be able to sustain their businesses.