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It’s a bit of a of a new topic and a bit of an interesting topic because I think a lot of people are aware of the Law Of Property Act 1925 act or an LPA receiver.

Yes. Yes, It can. Very long answer. Very complicated answer. So I’m going to ask you another question. Saying of the week. And that is, if you don’t play, you don’t win. Does that make sense to you?

You need to play to win. Can you not win without playing?

You have to be in the arena. I understand that. But, you know, can you win with that plan and then be doing something? Do you think you can win without playing? Is there anything that you know in life that you can win without blank?

Now back to the question at hand, even if the property is a new build, LPA receivers can still be appointed on the property unless the property is a residential property with a residential mortgage. This means that the property will need to be a commercial property (e.g. offices, restaurant, BTL property, etc.) for LPA receivers to be applied onto the property.

Why can the Law Of Property Act 1925 be applied on a new build property? How does that work?