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Looking at the topic of what is the difference between home repossession and LPA receivers, how many clients have we helped?

Over the past year, properties being subject to LPA receivership have been on the rise since COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted. A lot of properties have gone off the books than many people realizing because they’re so pressed about COVID-19, but nobody’s really reporting the true facts of properties being taken over by stealth by the banks.

Are you saying that the banks are using the LPA receiver act in terms of a stealth tactic to recover assets?

Yeah, most definitely. I think banks have been doing it while the press and people are somewhat diverted by covid-19 and property repossessions probably happening behind the scenes, but because there’s no direct evidence of it because nobody’s focusing on LPA receivership as an issue.

Is it not true that these assets would they not be reported on the statue books when they’re being repossessed by an LPA receiver?

I don’t think there need reporting on LPA receiverships and the stats, so the stats don’t actually show LPA receiver appointments. It’s not like a repossession matter where the repossession hearing, the actual possession of the property is found under statue books. So you can see the number of repossessions that take place. It’s literally all underground.

Summarizing the topic of the week, the saying hurt or being hurt is a blessing for you.

  1. What do we say about that now?
  2. Do we think it’s a good thing to be hurt?

With regards to being hurt, it is a relative depends on your circumstances. So ideally, it’s better not to get hurt, because if you’re blessed, then why would you want to get hurt in the first place?

But if you’re unable to control your circumstances, only you can hurt yourself. That’s our thinking. You should really be able to actually manage your feelings around anything that’s happening around you and realize it for what it is because only you can cause your own pain.

 So as long as you realize that you’re causing your own pain, then in some ways, you will be blessed because you’re not really going to allow anything to hurt you because you love yourself enough not to be hurt.