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Another topic around repossession is negative equity. Believe it or not, we are actually the leading specialist in writing off negative equity in the country. So if you do have a portfolio which is negative equity, you can’t sell it. I think there are still pockets of properties which are having problems being sold in certain areas of the country.

I think I just met somebody on the weekend who said that they’ve had their property up for about a year. Still no luck in selling it. I think that was in Brighton. So I think there are clever solutions to finding ways of actually selling your property. You just have to do your research; possibly understand how the market works. And maybe I think a lot of it is about research and understanding.

What are the angles to selling a property?

if sometimes selling a property is difficult, but you need money from your property. There are clever financial solutions which can be used to refinance your property out. But having a really good mortgage broker or having access to people with funding lines is obviously going to be a lot more helpful. So if you have those requirements, if you want to have a chat, you can always talk to you think the property fixer, if you want to try and understand how you can better grow your portfolio. Happy to have a chat!

Okay, so we’ve covered quite a lot there. Let me just see what other topics we can cover. Okay, so it’s going to go back to negative equity for a second. Negative equity is a massive, massive problem for a lot of homeowners and also a lot of property portfolio. So let’s focus in on a homeowner. So if you’ve got a portfolio of let’s say £1.5 million, but the debt itself is about £1.7 million and the value is £1.5 million and you’re £200,000 negative equity.

We have got clients or people in that type of situation, and we come up we work with those sort of clients to deal with that type of problem as well. So typically speaking, we would do an assessment and actually negotiate with the lenders, and then we would typically negotiate to completely write of all the debt with the banks to zero and give you a clean credit report, so that’s all possible. Yes to Zero!

So as the markets are shifting towards a downwards trend, negative equity could actually start becoming more of an issue in the next year or so. If that happens, then we’re more than willing to give a free consultation to look at your assets, to see whether we can help or not by writing or for your debts. So that’s actually a very interesting solution for a lot of people out there. I’m also going to move on to the next set of topics now. So question is why is it that you’d want to use Lakhi Singh property fixer to help with this type of problems or stopping repossession?

So we got a whole list of answers here. So we’re a one stop shop for all back end solutions. So we have cash buyers on our panel. We deal with international banks; we have funders that could fund you, which are non-regulated. We have a lot of private bridging facilities. So if you have a repossession issue, we not only do we have the litigation expertise, we can go and help the litigation. We can also help with finance. We can also help with structuring a sale through some of our cash buyers.

So I would say you’ve probably got one of the most comprehensive business solutions property solutions to be helping with repossession in the country. So it’s quite a bold statement, but I’m pretty confident we can deliver because we’ve been doing this type of work now for 15 years. So if anybody out there has any type of issue that we mentioned today, then you can get in touch with the Lakhi Singh the property fixer.